cover image: The environmental economy : Knowledge economy report card 2005-2006



The environmental economy : Knowledge economy report card 2005-2006

19 Oct 2005

In previous Report Cards, NovaKnowledge has measured and reported on various components of innovation such as venture capital, education and immigration. This year, we're taking a look at what we believe to be an important area of opportunity for enhanced innovation - the environmental economy. Rising oil prices, the threat of climate change and growing concern over the sustainability of our natural resources is revealing new opportunities for growth and advancement in the knowledge economy. As Nova Scotia's Solid Waste-Resource Strategy has shown, protecting the environment can result in exciting new opportunities for value-added manufacturing, innovation, and enhanced competitiveness.
innovation agriculture environment education air pollution sustainability renewable energy economy coal wind water natural resources strategy competitiveness employment environmental economics human capital gas environmental pollution energy industry venture capital economic sector waste green building environmental sustainability energy and resource artificial objects competition (companies) energy development
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