cover image: The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education among those with low reading competencies at age 15 : Incidence de certains facteurs sur les cheminements menant à l'obtention d'un diplôme d'études secondaires et à la participation à des études postsecondaires chez les personnes qui montrent de faibles compétences en lecture à l'âge de 15 ans



The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education among those with low reading competencies at age 15 : Incidence de certains facteurs sur les cheminements menant à l'obtention d'un diplôme d'études secondaires et à la participation à des études postsecondaires chez les personnes qui montrent de faibles compétences en lecture à l'âge de 15 ans

24 Sep 2007

The fruitfulness of the concept of educational resilience is assessed to account for the fact that a substantial portion of young people overcame the barriers of below-average reading achievement as tested at age 15. [...] The richness of the YITS data permitted a detailed examination of the multiple effects of two components of resilience on educational outcomes: a) the availability of social and institutional supports, such as peers, parents, teachers, and the community, and b) youth’s approach to life and participation in various activities that enabled some of them to overcome the obstacle associated with their [...] The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education iii among those with low reading competencies at age 15 iv The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education among those with low reading competencies at age 15 1. Introduction Research has consistently sho [...] The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education 3 among those with low reading competencies at age 15 At the school level, the question is whether certain schools yield a higher return (in terms of educational outcomes of their students) for identical volume of capital contained in the intake composition of their students. [...] The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education 9 among those with low reading competencies at age 15 10 The impact of factors on trajectories that lead to a high school diploma and to participation in post-secondary education among those with low reading competencies at age 15 3. The data and measures This report analyses d
higher education education school curriculum academic performance academic achievement adolescence employment human capital labour social capital students teachers standard deviation survey behavior resilience further education postsecondary education high schools teaching and learning educational assessment competence (human resources) capital (economics) cannabis (drug) education, higher dependent and independent variables dropped out reading (secondary) drop out


Thiessen, Victor

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