cover image: A guide to the U.S. Energy Star Program for Canadian housing exporters : Guide sur le Programme Energy Star des États-Unis à l'intention des exportateurs canadiens du secteur de l'habitation



A guide to the U.S. Energy Star Program for Canadian housing exporters : Guide sur le Programme Energy Star des États-Unis à l'intention des exportateurs canadiens du secteur de l'habitation

20 May 2004

The certification of a product with the ENERGY STAR label should be of interest to Canadian housing exporters to the US for a number of reasons: • To differentiate a product as superior to the mainstream and leading edge. [...] An “ENERGY STAR Ready” package is recommended for exporters and the sensitivity of the performance rating of the package is examined in different locations across the US and through a series of changes to the specification. [...] The following is a brief summary of some of the major milestones in the development and growth of the use of the ENERGY STAR label in the residential sector: 3 Guide to US ENERGY STAR Program for Canadian Housing Exporters Year Event 1995 • residential heating and cooling equipment added. [...] After completion of the inspections and tests the rater operates the HERS rating software using the results of the tests and inspections. [...] The builder reviews the BOPS for the destination of the house and selects the approach which is best suited to capabilities and costing of the company.
environment building air pollution renewable energy ventilation science and technology inspection building materials construction export marketing heating dwellings mechanical engineering environmental pollution weather air conditioning building insulation artificial objects canada mortgage and housing corporation building engineering basement energy star energy efficient building technology blower door duct ducts leakage energy labeling ashrae


Gough, Bruce D

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