cover image: The legacy : Séquelles



The legacy : Séquelles

20 Oct 2015

The disproportionate apprehension of Aboriginal children by child welfare agencies and the disproportion- ate imprisonment and victimization of Aboriginal people are all part of the legacy of the way that Aboriginal children were treated in residential schools. [...] The Calls to Action in this volume are numbered accord- ing to the order in which they appear in Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. [...] In 1947, the Canadian Welfare Council and the Canadian Association of Social Workers collaborated on a report to a Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons that was examining the Indian Act. [...] The two can- not be compared.”79 On judicial review, the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal soundly rejected this restrictive approach as unreasonable.80 The Federal Court of Appeal ordered the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to hear the case.81 In concluding that the tribunal’s decision to dismiss the case was unreasonable, the court emphasized that “discrimination is a broad, fact-base [...] The study is developing information about the incidence of child welfare investigations in Canada, the numbers of children in care, the reasons for child welfare agency involvement with families, and the types of family stressors that can lead to child maltreatment.96 So far, the study has analyzed data collected from selected child welfare agencies across the country in 1998, 2003, and 2008.97 In
health human rights government education politics school psychology children's rights canada adoption indians of north america child abuse child welfare culture child protection child further education society residential schools native peoples canadian indian residential school system first nation province child neglect aboriginal australians fasd child protective services neglect inuit nunangat jordan’s principle sixties scoop residential school
9780773546592 9780773598270 9780773598287
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Ottawa, Ontario

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