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Climate change 2007 : Changements climatiques 2007 : rapport de synthèse : un rapport du groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat


The IPCC’s periodic assessments of the causes, impacts and possible response strategies to climate change are the most comprehensive and up-to-date reports available on the subject, and form the standard reference for all concerned with climate change in academia, government and industry worldwide. [...] It provides an integrated view of climate change and addresses the following topics: • Observed changes in climate and their effects • Causes of change • Climate change and its impacts in the near and long term under different scenarios • Adaptation and mitigation options and responses, and the interrelationship with sustainable development, at global and regional levels • The long-term perspectiv [...] We would like to express our gratitude to all of them, ganization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment to the Members of the IPCC Bureau, to the staff of the Tech- Programme (UNEP), with the mandate to assess scientific in- nical Support Units, particularly of the Technical Support Unit formation related to climate change, to evaluate the environ- for the IPCC Synthesis Report in The Energy an [...] It summarises the findings of the three Working Group reports and provides a synthesis that specifically addresses the issues of concern to policymakers in the domain of climate change: it confirms that climate change is occurring now, mostly as a result of human activities; it illustrates the impacts of global warming already under way and to be expected in future, and Michel Jarraud describes th [...] It is the result of the enthusiasm, dedication, and United Nations Environmental Programme iii Preface This Synthesis Report with its Summary for Policymakers is jected future changes in climate in the 21st century and be- the fourth and final part of the Fourth Assessment Report yond, and describes the projected impacts of future climate (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change chan
oceans environment climate change mitigation adaptation politics economy sea level rise global warming water climate change adaptation climate change mitigation natural resources carbon dioxide climatology earth sciences greenhouse gas mitigation tar weather ecosystem climatic changes ghg emissions ipcc environmental science atmospheric sciences effects of global warming co global environmental change warming economics of global warming climate sensitivity


Bernstein, Lenny

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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