cover image: Active and Safe" Injury Prevention Initiative, Tier 2 (C), Playgrounds and Neighbourhood Play Spaces : Key informants survey



Active and Safe" Injury Prevention Initiative, Tier 2 (C), Playgrounds and Neighbourhood Play Spaces : Key informants survey

29 Apr 2013

Focusing on vulnerable children and youth in Canada, including their parents and caregivers, the broad Safe Play Spaces project aimed to: (1) Describe what we know about current outdoor play spaces for vulnerable populations in Canada; (2) Develop an online training tool for inspecting outdoor play spaces for safety issues; and (3) Share outdoor play space safety issues and information with stakeholders, municipalities, parents and caregivers. This particular report presents the methodology and results of a play spaces key informant survey, the purpose of which was to determine what is known about safety issues associated with play spaces for vulnerable children aged 6-12 years in Canada.
health environment psychology risk management safety accident prevention open spaces parks playgrounds risk child open space qualitative research qualitative community play and playthings human activities injury qualitative methods children's accidents green spaces play environments playground play areas park


Ibrahimova, Aybaniz, Piedt, Shannon, Pike, Ian

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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