cover image: The future of reparations at the International Criminal Court



The future of reparations at the International Criminal Court

25 Jun 2013

The CenTre For InTernaTIonal The FuTure oF reParaTIons aT The InTernaTIonal CrImInal CourT: GovernanCe InnovaTIon addressInG The danGer oF InFlaTed exPeCTaTIons CIGI JunIor Fellows PolICy This policy brief addresses the future of the ICC’s BrIeF serIes reparations regime and argues that the ICC adopt a The CIGI Junior Fellows program at the Balsillie School of minimalist approach in order to fulfi [...] The guilty verdict authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Centre against Lubanga marks the closure of the ICC’s first trial. [...] The challenges of the Lubanga trial indicate that of the options and limitations of reparations is essential for the reparations regime is positioned to fail.
government education politics crime criminal justice international law international criminal justice criminal law culture government information international crimes international criminal courts international criminal law law restorative justice international criminal court victim victims court crime, law and justice trial (court) ethical principles the centre for international governance innovation applied ethics reparation (criminal justice) international criminal court (icc) the international criminal court lubanga thomas lubanga dyilo


Bottomley, Alison, Pryse, Heather

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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