cover image: Climate change and forced migration : Changements climatiques et migration forcée : le rôle du Canada



Climate change and forced migration : Changements climatiques et migration forcée : le rôle du Canada

18 Mar 2010

For more than 20 years, governments have been aware that climate change may lead to the forced migration of millions of people.2 With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly apparent in some parts of the world, the fear of mass migration may escalate within the international community.3 Some population displacement will come directly as a result of deteriorating environmental condition [...] L I B R A R Y. O F. P A R L I A M E N T B I B L I O T H È Q U E. D U. P A R L E M E N T 2 analysis organization, “Climate change acts as a threat multiplier for instability in some of the most volatile regions of the world.”4 The regions most likely to produce climate migrants are the least developed states in Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as small, low-lying island states.5 NUMBER OF PE [...] The most widely cited figure appears to be 200 million climate migrants by 2050.6 Other sources estimate that between 500 million and 600 million people (approximately 10% of the world’s population) are at extreme risk due to climate change.7 The numbers are inherently difficult to predict due to the numerous and inter- related assumptions on which they are based, including future global populatio [...] L I B R A R Y. O F. P A R L I A M E N T B I B L I O T H È Q U E. D U. P A R L E M E N T 3 will be flooded each year by 3 to 4ºC of warming causing 20–80 cm of sea level rise (low and high population growth assumptions respectively).”8 [author’s emphasis] To put these figures in perspective, the number of “refugees of concern” to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the beginning of 200 [...] Experts estimate that most people who are uprooted by climate change will remain in their own countries,9 but a minority will need to relocate abroad.10 Considering the sheer number of climate migrants expected in the coming years, even a small fraction seeking to resettle in Canada could constitute a large number relative to Canada’s current intake of new residents.
oceans human rights environment climate change government politics sea level rise global warming water migrants canada environmental degradation forced migration immigration law human beings unhcr un high commissioner for refugees refugee intergovernmental panel on climate change climatic changes human migration effects of global warming effects of climate change impacts of climate change environmental refugees environmental migrant climate refugees environmental refugee


Becklumb, Penny

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