cover image: Policy on human rights and rental housing : Politique concernant les droits de la personne et le logement locatif



Policy on human rights and rental housing : Politique concernant les droits de la personne et le logement locatif

28 Sep 2009

Housing is a human right. International law states that Canada must work towards making sure everyone has access to adequate and affordable housing. But some people, based on factors such as race, ancestry, disability, sex, family status and social and economic status, do not receive the housing rights they are entitled to. When multiple factors intersect, the disadvantage increases and people are at even greater risk of discrimination, poverty and even homelessness. In Ontario, the Human Rights Code applies to both tenants and landlords. Under the Code, everyone has the right to equal treatment in housing without discrimination and harassment. And landlords are responsible for making sure housing environments are free from discrimination and harassment.
health human rights environment education politics discrimination accessibility culture disability employment eviction family housing policy language rental housing right to housing risk tenants homelessness social housing affordable housing further education society harassment landlord landlords discriminatory apartment dwellers
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