cover image: The impact of patient classification systems on women front-line care workers in rural nursing homes : Incidences des systèmes de classification des patientes et des patients sur les dispensatrices de soins de première ligne dans les maisons de soins infirmiers des régions rurales



The impact of patient classification systems on women front-line care workers in rural nursing homes : Incidences des systèmes de classification des patientes et des patients sur les dispensatrices de soins de première ligne dans les maisons de soins infirmiers des régions rurales

8 Aug 2006

Specialists in the field anonymously review each paper and provide comments on: • The accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information presented; • The extent to which the methodology used and the data collected support the analysis and recommendations; • The original contribution the report would make to existing work on this subject, and its usefulness to equality-seeking organizations, [...] The report recommends policy changes to improve the lives and working environments of women employed in rural long-term care homes, as well as the quality of life of the elderly women and men who reside there. [...] The College regulates nursing to protect the public interest and sets requirements to enter the profession, establishes and enforces standards of nursing practice, and assures the quality of practice of the profession and the continuing competence of nurses. [...] Anita Marcotte is a master’s student in medical anthropology at the University of Manitoba with interests in the care and treatment of older adults living with Alzheimer’s disease, the institutionalization of older adults, health and safety issues, and the role of front-line workers in the delivery of health care services. [...] We thank the Department of Sociology/Anthropology at the University of Guelph and the Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources and the Office of Research Services at the University of Manitoba for their support.
health agriculture education economics insurance canada ageing employment hospitals labour language medicine nursing homes philosophy rural women health care home care ethnography long-term care jobs rural health services rural community nurse society care work canada health act nursing home care nursing care plans
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