cover image: A Normal Mode Reverberation and Target Echo Model to Interpret Towed Array Data in the Target and Reverberation Experiments /



A Normal Mode Reverberation and Target Echo Model to Interpret Towed Array Data in the Target and Reverberation Experiments /

27 Feb 2018

Their input voltage to deployed 1.2 m off the bottom, about 3-mW of the midpoint of the signal generator was flat; so the output levels followed the the FORA array. [...] On every malized” to a prediction from the Clutter Model, with the overall second pulse, the echo repeater responds, retransmitting the level of the data adjusted to agree near the array. [...] The agreement of the model and data along the Reverberation Track to the SE is reasonably good; the 3 model inputs, and striations in the reverberation along the Re- The vertical line at 3.6 s is from the PAT vertical air hose, which is near the ambiguous beam and due to its ∼10–15-dB target strength spills over into this verberation Track will be discussed in more detail in Section IV. [...] The model was run at 3450 Hz and The data, however, show the opposite behavior with respect the omnidirectional results were reduced by the effective rever- to the bathymetry. [...] The same bottom half space as in the previous ric fluctuations around the 19-m mean surface, and the green calculation was used, but the Lambert coefficient was adjusted curve the slope of the bathymetry.
electronics mathematics physics radio computing and information technology electromagnetism spectrum decibel bathymetry reverberation amplifier active sonar angle amplitude spectrum repeater amplitude bandwidth beamforming slope rever bathymet clutter (radar) ampli?er bandwidth (signal processing)
Published in
Dartmouth, N.S

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