cover image: The Illusion of Alberta’s Jobs Recovery



The Illusion of Alberta’s Jobs Recovery

28 Aug 2018

The recent growth in government sector Research suggests that the increase in gov- employment began in July 2014 and has con- ernment sector employment, and the decline in tinued through the latest month of available private sector employment, will translate into data at the time of writing (May 2018). [...] Statistics Canada broadly defines the govern- The bulletin begins by describing employment ment sector—which includes federal, provin- trends in Alberta; it gives particular attention cial, and local governments—to include crown to the contrast between the growth in govern- corporations and government-funded estab- ment sector employment and the decline in lishments such as schools and hospitals; [...] Trends in government sector employment from August 2008 to July 2009, the second is from October 2011 to November 2012, and the To get a sense of the longer-term trend from third is from July 2014 to May 2018. [...] Interest- the various components that make up total em- ingly, the start of first and third periods corre- ployment, figure 3 displays data on Alberta’s sponds roughly with the beginning of a reces- government sector employment, private sec- sion in Alberta, while the second period took tor employment, and self-employment over place in a time of economic growth.4 The most the 10-year period from M [...] This presentation allows us to more First, the duration of the upward trend in gov- clearly observe the change in the respective ernment sector employment growth is much data series over time.
economics economy taxation tax system income tax recession business debt economic growth employers employment productivity taxes alberta taxpayers crowding out human activities crowd out taxing crowding out (economics)
Published in
Vancouver, BC, CA

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