cover image: Factors in Canadians' cultural activities : Facteurs dans les activités culturelles au Canada : facteurs démographiques et affinités culturelles entourant la lecture de livres, l'assistance aux spectacles, les visites de galeries d'art et la fréquentation du cinéma



Factors in Canadians' cultural activities : Facteurs dans les activités culturelles au Canada : facteurs démographiques et affinités culturelles entourant la lecture de livres, l'assistance aux spectacles, les visites de galeries d'art et la fréquentation du cinéma

20 May 2008

This is calculated by raising the base of the natural logarithm to the βth power, where β is the coefficient of the predictor variable from the trial equation. [...] The variables that the preliminary research indicates may be of primary importance are included in the initial drafts of the models, while the remaining variables are added and removed in order to improve the accuracy of the model. [...] For example, if the odds given in the output is 1.414 (Table 4: Results of the movie attendance model) then the implication is that someone who has attended any other kind/type of cultural performance during the past 12 months is 1.414 times as likely to have also gone to a movie or drive-in during the past 12 months. [...] The question regarding the household language of the respondent is coded in the following manner: English only = 0, French only = 1, other language = 2. In this case, English represents the reference point, and each of the other two possible responses would display an influence on the dependent variable relative to the reference point. [...] In each of the tables, the value in the column labeled “Exp(B)” represents the odds ratio for each of the independent variables.
education school arts culture language mathematics music statistics theatre popular culture human activities odds ratio regression model further education logistic regression correlation and dependence library and museum statistical dependent and independent variables multicollinearity independent variables likelihood likelihood-ratio test married dependent variable statistical hypothesis testing hosmer–lemeshow test
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