cover image: Examination report by independent experts on the technical and scientific information regarding the planned discharge of untreated wastewater effluent into the St. Lawrence by the City of Montréal / : Rapport d'examen par des experts indeépendants des renseignements techniques et scientifiques concernant le deéversement d'effluent d'eaux usées non traitées dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent prévu par la Ville de Montréal


Examination report by independent experts on the technical and scientific information regarding the planned discharge of untreated wastewater effluent into the St. Lawrence by the City of Montréal / : Rapport d'examen par des experts indeépendants des renseignements techniques et scientifiques concernant le deéversement d'effluent d'eaux usées non traitées dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent prévu par la Ville de Montréal


You are asked to: • Exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced; • Indicate both the complete title of the materials reproduced, as well as the author organization; and • Indicate that the reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by the Government of Canada and that the reproduction has not been produced in affiliation with or with the endorsemen [...] Lawrence will have an effect on fish reproduction since, as indicated in the MDDELCC report, the period targeted for the discharge corresponds to a time of year when the fish are not spawning and it is before the start of the gametogenesis of fish that will be spawning in the spring. [...] Lawrence River by the City of Montréal Risks Associated with an Unplanned Discharge “What are the level and type of risk presented by the unplanned discharge of untreated wastewater if the work planned by the City of Montréal is not carried out?” The purpose of the planned discharge by the City of Montréal is to dry out the southeast interceptor of the collection network (see diagram in Appendix 2 [...] The risks were evaluated by separating the analysis of the maintenance work from the analysis of the construction work. [...] However, the condition of the braces as viewed in 2010 using raft- mounted cameras (as described in the documents provided) and the observation of large-size debris that reached the treatment plant allows us to foresee that the condition of the infrastructure has deteriorated over the last five years.
health environment climate change mitigation wastewater water quality water pollution pollution water emergency management natural resources biology chemicals fishing environmental pollution risk runoff sanitation sewage wastewater treatment sanitary sewer storm drain storm sewer sewage treatment eaux usées primary treatments sewage disposal in rivers, lakes, etc


Cyr, Daniel Gabriel, Hausler, Robert, Yargeau, Viviane

9780660037837 0660037831
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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