cover image: What matters in French language schools



What matters in French language schools

4 Oct 2015

For French-language schools in a minority community, this context is a function of the quality of the pedagogical and social environment within the school, and the engagement of parents and the broader communities within which the school operates. [...] The PAL addresses The general thrust of the mandates of schools in minority communities and the not only student success and PAL is the creation of a community of language(s) and culture(s), or the creation identity-building, but also the of schools that reflect a community of language(s) and culture(s). [...] The discussion so far has focussed primarily on the more global environment of schools, i.e., the issue of minority/minoritization; the three factors of capacity, opportunity, and desirability that are so essential to community vitality; individual and collective understanding of the importance of the French language; linguistic security/insecurity; and the essential role of the school in contribu [...] Landry, Allard and Deveau (2010) emphasize the complementary roles of the school, the family, and the community in contributing to both the linguistic and cultural development of students and the vitality of the community. [...] In Francophone communities, this outermost ring can be dominant, depending on the minoritization of the community, and it can have a direct impact on every other level of the model, i.e., on school governance (the role of the principal and the school board vis-à-vis the special mandate of the French- language school), on the professional learning community or PLC7 (in terms of the impact of pedago
sustainable development environment higher education education politics school curriculum communication art culture french language literacy citizenship students teachers assessment best practice cognition motivation community numeracy further education creativity teaching and learning competence (human resources) education programs cognitive science schools, french culturels professional learning community


Boucher, Michelle

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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