cover image: Unincorporated self-employment in Canada, 1989 to 2010 / : Travail autonome au sein d'une entreprise non constituée en société au Canada, 1989 è 2010



Unincorporated self-employment in Canada, 1989 to 2010 / : Travail autonome au sein d'une entreprise non constituée en société au Canada, 1989 è 2010

6 Oct 2015

The level of uncertainty will depend on several factors: the nature of the functional form used in the multivariate analysis, the type of econometric technique employed, the appropriateness of the statistical assumptions embedded in the model or technique, the comprehensiveness of the variables included in the analysis, and the accuracy of the data that are utilized. [...] Thus, over the entire study period, the aging of the population and the shift of employment to older age groups led to an increase in the aggregate self-employment rate. [...] The cyclical trends of the entry to and exit from self-employment accord with a version of the push hypothesis, in that the entry to self-employment was generally higher during the 1990s when labour markets were weaker, and was lower in the late 1990s when labour markets were healthier. [...] To ascertain the impact of changing demographics, the change in the aggregate self-employment rate is decomposed into the part due to changes in the within-age-group self-employment rates and the part due to changes in the age-group composition of total employment. [...] This means that the changes in the within-age-group self-employment rates contributed the most (78%) to the increase in aggregate self-employment rate, and the change in age-group composition contributed the rest (22%).
agriculture economics economy entrepreneurship recession science and technology unemployment rate labour market canada business demography economic growth employees employment labour labour economics self-employment unemployment employer economic sector self-employed unemployment rates procyclical economy of canada canada revenue agency


Bahar, Sumaya, Liu, Huju

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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