cover image: The effects of cannabis use during adolescence / : Substance abuse in Canada : the effects of cannabis use during adolescence



The effects of cannabis use during adolescence / : Substance abuse in Canada : the effects of cannabis use during adolescence

9 Jun 2015

And although we those in other age groups to use substances, engage in risky do not know the full extent of the impact of early cannabis use patterns of use and experience harms from that use, CCSA on long-term cognitive ability and associated educational and considered it vital to take a closer and more comprehensive occupational successes, evidence is mounting that cannabis look at exactly what [...] THE SERIES TO NOW The first Substance Abuse in Canada report, Current Challenges and Choices, examined a variety of topics, including the prevention of alcohol problems, alternative sanctions for cannabis use and possession, drug-impaired driving, and the abuse and diversion of prescription medication. [...] The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence, the current report, reviews the effects of cannabis use during adolescence, looking specifically at the drug’s impact on youth health and brain development, as well as the interventions currently available for treating cannabis use disorders. [...] Rates of past-year cannabis use across grades have declined significantly over the past decade in both Ontario and New Because of the rapid changes in brain structure and function Brunswick; in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador, that occur during adolescence, use of cannabis during this past-year cannabis use rates have remained relatively stable. [...] Also of great concern for youth are the numerous studies • The risk of dependence (i.e., lack of control over indicating that cannabis use can result in a number of short- use of cannabis despite the associated harms) and long-term physical, mental and psychosocial effects.
marijuana cannabis teenagers drug abuse drug addiction heroin adolescent substance abuse marijuana abuse addiction mental disorder substance abuse substance abuse substance abuse
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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