cover image: 2010 defence ethics survey report / : Rapport sur le Sondage sur l'éthique de la Défense de 2010



2010 defence ethics survey report / : Rapport sur le Sondage sur l'éthique de la Défense de 2010

21 Dec 2011

This paper (a) reports the results of the 2010 nDceef eEthics Survey that was completed by Regular Force, Reserve Force (Classes A and B )c, iavinlidan DND personnel in the fall of 2010 and (b) compares the 2010 administratione t o2 0th03 Defence Ethics Survey. [...] The purpose of this report is to ashsoewss o rganizational ethical climate, individual values, individual approaches to ethics, and sioitnualt moral intensity influence ethical decision- making based upon the results of the 2010 Defenthciec sE Survey using Complex Samples. [...] When personnel were asked to identify the most important single ethical issue in the CF/DND, thoes mt frequent comment pertained to the fair and equitable treatment of personnIne la. [...] Jones (1991) outlines six characteristics of the moral issue that cana icmt pethical decision-making: a. Magnitude of the Consequence: sthe total amount of harm or benefit incurred by the recipients of the moral act; b. Social Consensu:s societal or group norms that deem an act asa el tohric unethical; c. Probability of Effect : the likelihood that the act will actually occunrd a the likelihood th [...] Thus, the more people feel physically, culturally, or isaollcy close to the recipient, the greater the moral intensity; and, f. Concentration of effect: the number of people who are affectye dth be moral act influences moral intensity.
education politics school psychology research surveys analysis of variance decision-making ethics leadership philosophy social sciences cognition integrity further education values confidence interval leaders reserve force sample size interaction (statistics) confidence level random sample moral development military ethics anovas right and wrong unethical individualism lawrence kohlberg


Messervey, Deanna L, Gou, Tingting, Howell, Glen T

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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