cover image: Origins of lateral violence in Aboriginal communities : Student-to-student abuse in residential schools



Origins of lateral violence in Aboriginal communities : Student-to-student abuse in residential schools

25 Jun 2014

"As the truth of Residential Schools is shared and abuses are disclosed by Survivors in communities across Canada, it is apparent that in addition to suffering at the hands of adults - teachers, staff, and school administrators - students were also subjected to abuse by other students. ... The focus of this study is to better understand what student-to-student abuse is and why it occurred, which is the reason why the Aboriginal Healing Foundation commissioned this mixed-method research report." -- Executive summary.
health education politics school domestic violence crime adolescence aggression behavioural sciences biology child abuse medicine bullying society child sexual abuse abuse health treatment canadian indian residential school system assault stressors child neglect abusive school violence emotional abuse abnormal psychology dissociation psychiatric child maltreatment off-reservation boarding schools guilford press indian students


Bombay, Amy, Anisman, Hymie, Matheson, Kim

9781772150018 9781772150025
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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