cover image: Cyberbullying : Cyberintimidation : agir sur la méchanceté, la cruauté et les menaces en ligne



Cyberbullying : Cyberintimidation : agir sur la méchanceté, la cruauté et les menaces en ligne

17 Mar 2014

Few online issues have captured the public's attention more than cyberbullying. Online harassment has been linked in the news media to teen suicide, and high profile cases have put pressure on schools and legislators to clamp down on young people's networked communications. Although children have always had to learn how to deal with mean behaviour, many adults worry that online media can make this problem worse. Not only do adults fear that cyberbullying can occur away from the watchful eyes of parents and teachers, there is also a concern that media can potentially amplify the negative impacts of youthful mistakes in judgment because it is so easy to copy and repost hurtful comments and so difficult to remove text or images that have gone viral.
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Steeves, Valerie

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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