cover image: Market expansion and productivity growth : Expansion sur les marchés et croissance de la productivité : les nouveaux marchés intérieurs sont-ils aussi importants que les nouveaux marchés internationaux?



Market expansion and productivity growth : Expansion sur les marchés et croissance de la productivité : les nouveaux marchés intérieurs sont-ils aussi importants que les nouveaux marchés internationaux?

14 Mar 2012

The level of uncertainty will depend on several factors: the nature of the functional form used in the multivariate analysis; the type of econometric technique employed; the appropriateness of the statistical assumptions embedded in the model or technique; the comprehensiveness of the variables included in the analysis; and the accuracy of the data that are utilized. [...] It also examines the strategic profiles of these different types of firms in order to understand the inherent differences in the activities and the strategies of firms that facilitate adaptation in a changing economy. [...] The main contribution of this paper to the existing literature is the finding that improvements in productivity are related to entry into new markets in general—that improvements are independent of whether the new markets are domestic or foreign. [...] The latter was investigated by Baldwin and Yan (2012), who found that the size of advantage tends to be reinforced or attenuated by changes in the trading regime and that the appreciation of the Canadian dollar during the post-2000 period almost completely offset the productivity growth advantages enjoyed by new export-participants. [...] Plants that export at both the beginning (1990 and 2000) and the end (1993 and 2003) of the first sub- periods are classified as exporters; plants that do not export at either the beginning or the end of the first sub- periods are classified as non-exporters.
economics economy export economic analysis science and technology psychology canada business competition employment exports free trade mathematics census industrial productivity north american free trade agreement regression competition (companies) productive competitive global marketing exporters


Baldwin, John R

9781100203669 9781100163192
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