cover image: Report on the consultation process on chronic disease care and services : Rapport de la démarche de consultation portant sur les soins et services liés aux maladies chroniques



Report on the consultation process on chronic disease care and services : Rapport de la démarche de consultation portant sur les soins et services liés aux maladies chroniques

24 Sep 2010

This issue is a summary of Volume 3 of the 2010 appraisal report, "Rapport de la demarche de consultation portant sur les soins et services liés aux maladies chroniques". It presents the consultation process adopted by the Commissioner and its associated results.
health education science and technology health services empowerment chronic diseases maladies chroniques decision-making medical care medicine quality of life social sciences services sociaux social work social inequality illness welfare disease chronic disease behavior population health human services well-being behaviour society chronic condition health treatment government health care healthy diseases and conditions expert decision makers soins médicaux santé, services de services santé preventive healthcare services sociaux et travail social (activité) social inequalities maladie chronique
9782550597810 9782550597827
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