cover image: The housing experiences and coping strategies of recent immigrants in the suburbs of Vancouver (Surrey and Richmond)



The housing experiences and coping strategies of recent immigrants in the suburbs of Vancouver (Surrey and Richmond)

15 Feb 2012

This study evaluates the housing experiences and coping strategies of recent immigrants in Richmond and Surrey, two fast- growing outer suburbs of Vancouver, where the immigrant population has rap- idly increased in the last decades and where there is a short supply of afford- able rental housing, including public and social housing. [...] The shortage of appropriate housing services and programs is also a major gap in the settlement services in the region. [...] Research into the constraints and outcomes of the housing experiences of immigrants and minorities has policy implications for all levels of government. [...] This research evaluates the housing experiences and coping strategies of recent immigrants in Richmond and Surrey, two fast-growing outer suburbs of Vancouver where the immigrant population has rapidly increased in the last decades and where there is a shortage of affordable rental housing. [...] HousIng new ImmIgranTs: evIdenCe from THe CanadIan lITeraTure In recent years, Canadian scholars have paid increased attention to the re- lationship between access to affordable housing and the residential concentra- tions of immigrants and minorities on the one hand, and successful integration and inclusion on the other.
education politics school discrimination canada civil law government policy housing policy immigrants immigration law public housing real estate rental housing ethnic group homelessness affordable housing further education construction and property apartment landlord leasehold estate housing segregation in the united states


Teixeira, Carlos

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