cover image: The impact of retail co-operation amalgamations in western Canada



The impact of retail co-operation amalgamations in western Canada

8 Feb 2011

Information and the expertise about financial products C E N T R E F O R T H E S T U D Y O F C O - O P E R A T I V E S R E T A I L C O - O P A M A L G A M A T I O N S I N W E S T E R N C A N A D A 5 can easily be delivered over the phone or on the Internet. [...] C E N T R E F O R T H E S T U D Y O F C O - O P E R A T I V E S R E T A I L C O - O P A M A L G A M A T I O N S I N W E S T E R N C A N A D A 1 1 PO T E N T I A L IM P A C T S O F AM A L G A M A T I O N S MA N Y. O F. T H E. I M P A C T S. O F. A M A L G A M A T I O N S on business operations can be inferred from the motivations. [...] In a smaller independent co-op, the hierarchy may con- sist only of the staff and the general manager; in a larger multibranch co-operative, the staff would report to the branch manager, who then reports to the operations manager at head office, who is accountable to the general manager. [...] The members took the dis- pute to court, where the judge ruled in favour of the board and management, explaining that the board was acting in the best interests of the co-operative. [...] In addition, the judge concluded that the 68 members who voted to keep the branch open could not be con- sidered as representative of the will of the more than 10,000 members of the entire co-opera- tive.
agriculture politics retail economy cooperation business consumer cooperatives consumer goods employment investments mergers and acquisitions retail trade voting agricultural cooperative economic sector election board of directors cooperative motivation prairie provinces economy, business and finance competitors cooperative societies wheat pool saskatchewan wheat pool wheat pools agricultural co-operatives agricultural co-operative retail services


Ketilson, Lou Hammond

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