cover image: China-Canada competition in the U.S. market : Office of the Chief Economist : analytical report



China-Canada competition in the U.S. market : Office of the Chief Economist : analytical report

16 Jul 2007

The views expressed in these reports do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade or of the Government of Canada. [...] Although China might offer competition to Canada in many of our export markets, of particular interest is the likely impact of the growth of China’s exports to the United States. [...] One measure of this is the 2 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Office of the Chief Economist: Analytical Report Balassa index which measures “the ratio of the share of a given product in a country’s exports to another country or region to the share of the same product in that country or region’s total exports”3. [...] This type of analysis decomposes the growth of Canadian exports to the U. S. into two effects, a share effect (which assumes Canada keeps a constant share of the U. S. market) and a competitiveness effect (allowing for changing market share). [...] This competitive effect can then be split into two; the change in market share relative to China and the change relative to the rest of the world5.
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Boileau, David

9780662464464 9780662464457
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