cover image: School-based drug abuse prevention : Prévention de l'abus de drogues en milieu scolaire: des programmes prometteurs et efficaces



School-based drug abuse prevention : Prévention de l'abus de drogues en milieu scolaire: des programmes prometteurs et efficaces

26 Jan 2010

At the peer or individual level, it is clear that the earlier the onset of any drug use, the greater the involvement in other drug use and the greater the frequency of use. [...] Attitudes and Behaviours Towards Drug Use • Attitudes towards drug use: Youths who express positive attitudes to drug use and/or associate with peers who engage in alcohol or substance abuse are more likely to engage in the same behaviour.8 • Prior drug use: Onset of drug use prior to the age of 15 is a consistent predictor of later drug abuse.9 • Delinquent behaviour and drug consumption: The pre [...] Drug Use and Trends According to the Canadian Addictions Survey 2005,11 roughly 62.3% of youth aged 15-17 engaged in early use of alcohol and 29.2% in early cannabis use in the 12 months prior to the survey. [...] Pernanen and colleagues24 documented the proportions of crimes associated with alcohol and other drugs in Canada, and confirmed the close association between the use of psychoactive substances and criminal beha- viour. [...] Social surveys have demonstrated an increase in the rates of self-reported problem use of illegal substances since 199025 and higher levels of acceptance of drug use among youth.26 In a recent study of self-reported delinquency of youth in Toronto,27 alcohol and drug abuse was more widespread among delinquent youth.
health education children marijuana school crime psychology adolescence adolescents teenagers alcoholism behavioural sciences child abuse ethics medicine schools adolescent substance-related disorders behavior substance abuse systematic review further education addiction teaching and learning cannabis (drug) victimization attitude (psychology) centre for addiction and mental health drug use delinquent at-risk students substance abuse prevention national institute on drug abuse
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