cover image: The Fraser Valley Integrated Road Safety Unit



The Fraser Valley Integrated Road Safety Unit

28 Jan 2010

The dependent variables were assessed at the following two different points in time: Time 1 - Pre-IRSU (2003): this period of time represents the historical model of enhanced traffic enforcement delivery through CounterAttack and the Targeted Traffic Enforcement Partnership Time 2 - Post-IRSU (2008): this period of time represents the full implementation of the FV IRSU in the Fraser Valley Region [...] Sample A specific sample was selected for both time periods (time 1 and time 2) to examine the effects of the change in enhanced traffic enforcement on both police activity and crash volumes in the FV Region of B. C. Police Activity in the Fraser Valley (Outputs) In order to assess how the change in the delivery of enhanced traffic enforcement (X) affected the volume and nature of police activity [...] Frequency of Crashes in the Fraser Valley (Outcomes) In order to assess how the change in the delivery of enhanced traffic enforcement (X) affected the frequency of motor vehicle crashes in the Fraser Valley (Y2), existing statistical data was analyzed. [...] Independent Variable (X): Model of Enhanced Traffic Enforcement in the Fraser Valley Region of B. C. The purpose of the Fraser Valley IRSU Evaluation was to assess whether the change in the model/delivery of enhanced traffic enforcement in B. C. has affected police activity levels in road safety enforcement and crash volumes in the Fraser Valley Region. [...] Police Activity in the Fraser Valley (Outputs) The first dependent variable in the evaluation was the amount and type of enhanced traffic enforcement in the Fraser Valley, or ‘police outputs’.
government politics crime criminal law driving law law enforcement police road transport traffic accidents road traffic safety traffic safety transport police officer accident traffic license speeding crime, law and justice driving under the influence drinking and driving motor vehicle crashes fraser valley seat belt speed limit enforcement vehicle crashes motor vehicle incidents breathalyser test
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