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Social network site privacy : Vie privée sur les sites de réseau social : analyse comparative de six sites

25 Sep 2009

Drawing on the theory of privacy as contextual integrity, the project seeks to find ways both to facilitate deeper user understanding of the context in which they operate on a social network site as well as ways to make privacy controls and tools meaningful for users and more effective in allowing users to make the privacy choices that matter to them. [...] That is, if the user’s understanding is focussed on a particular audience and takes into account peer standards in developing an expectation of privacy, perhaps the best way to facilitate privacy in SNS is not to challenge these user expectations, but rather to map privacy controls on to the site in a way that will best enable the user to achieve her expectations and/or to more fully understand th [...] APPLICATIONS: The Applications privacy controls are comprised of both Accessibility of Member Information to Others an overview of how Applications interact with personal information; and a. Accessibility of information is, of course, subject to the privacy controls page of settings for the user to apply privacy settings to her interactions selected by the individual user. [...] Again, the user has the ability to a notification to the tagged user that they have been tagged in a photo, place controls on the visibility of some of this information, including IM and provides them a link to see the photo, and the ability to request Username, cell phone information, and country. [...] The creation of a tag also creates a link between the photo and the profile of the user so tagged.
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Barrigar, Jennifer

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