cover image: Aboriginal people living off-reserve and the labour market : Autochtones vivant hors réserve et le marché du travail : estimations de l'Enquête sur la population active, 2007



Aboriginal people living off-reserve and the labour market : Autochtones vivant hors réserve et le marché du travail : estimations de l'Enquête sur la population active, 2007

15 Dec 2008

Aboriginal identities The Aboriginal population can be defined in various ways, based on the four questions asked in the census (aboriginal identity; member of an Indian band or First Nation; Registered or Treaty Indian; and ethnic origin, including Aboriginal ancestries), depending on the perspective and needs of the data user. [...] The time that elapses between the collection and the release of the data is also shorter for the LFS, making it possible to draw a very current picture of the labour market for Aboriginal populations. [...] For Inuit, the size and distribution of the LFS sample in the ten provinces was insufficient to differentiate their participation and employment rates from those of the other groups. [...] Saskatchewan was the province with the largest gap in employment rates between the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. [...] For an explanation of the differences between Census estimates and estimates from the Labour Force Survey, see the document “Differences between the LFS and Census estimates on the labour component, July 2008”, available on request at Labour Statistics Division.
education economy school unemployment rate canada indians of north america culture employment labour unemployment census labor supply alberta educational attainment further education job british columbia western canada native peoples first nations aboriginal first nation western provinces educational attainment in the united states indian band employment-to-population ratio north american indians off-reserve indians


Pérusse, Dominique

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