cover image: Shaping a culture of respect in our schools : Façonner une culture de respect dans nos écoles



Shaping a culture of respect in our schools : Façonner une culture de respect dans nos écoles

10 Dec 2008

The Safe Schools Action Team, first established by the Minister of Education in 2004, has provided advice on ways to ensure that schools play a key role in shaping the welcoming culture that is the basis for a positive school climate and that enables all members of the school community to feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. [...] On the basis of these • sexual orientation was recommendations, the government passed Bill 212, making changes to the one of the top three Education Act to support a progressive discipline approach and to enable schools motivations for hate to choose the appropriate course of action for addressing inappropriate behaviour and to more effectively combine discipline with opportunities for crimes; stu [...] S A F E S C H O O L S A C T I O N T E A M R E P O R T The Safe Schools Action Team was re-engaged in February 2008 by the Minister of Education in order to review the issues of student-to-student gender-based violence, homophobia, sexual harassment, and inappropriate sexual behaviour, including any barriers to reporting that may exist in Ontario’s publicly funded schools, and to provide recommenda [...] S A F E S C H O O L S A C T I O N T E A M R E P O R T GUIDING PRINCIPLES Throughout its current consultations, the Safe Schools Action Team has been guided by the vision of a publicly funded education system where all students and members of the school community are welcomed and respected, and where every student is supported and inspired to succeed in a culture of high expectations for learning. [...] Media Awareness • The Ministry of Education must: • include references to issues of gender-based violence, homophobia, sexual harassment, and inappropriate sexual behaviour in the elementary Language and secondary English curricula – including the Media Literacy and Media Studies strands, respectively – and also in the elementary and secondary Français curricula, particularly in the course Françai
health environment gender education politics school curriculum crime gender-based violence psychology adolescence culture language physical education sex sexual harassment child lgbt behavior bullying community further education society assault school violence centre for addiction and mental health children's aid society (ontario) homophobia sexual harassment in education safe schools special education needs
9781424985586 9781424985579
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