cover image: Caring Canadians, involved Canadians : Canadiens dévoués, Canadiens engagés, points saillants de l'Enquête nationale de 2004 sur le don, le bénévolat et la participation



Caring Canadians, involved Canadians : Canadiens dévoués, Canadiens engagés, points saillants de l'Enquête nationale de 2004 sur le don, le bénévolat et la participation

26 May 2006

The authors would like to thank the following members of the CSGVP Steering Committee for their valuable input to the project as well as for their constructive comments on an earlier draft of this report: Marlene Deboisbriand of Volunteer Canada, Judy Lynn Malloy of Human Resources and Social Development Canada, Don McRae of Canadian Heritage, Heather Orpana of Health Canada, Joan Simpson of the P [...] The establishment of a permanent series of surveys provided an opportunity to review the The CSGVP is the latest iteration of a series design of the survey instrument to ensure that it of surveys that began with the 1997 National would provide the highest quality information on Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating an ongoing basis. [...] However, some Canadians give more than others, • The 19% of Canadians who attended religious and, practically speaking, charities and nonprofit services weekly gave 74% of the total value of all donations to religious organizations and organizations rely mostly on a small group of 22% of the value of all donations to other donors for the bulk of their donations. [...] The median annual whole, 8.5% of all Canadians (i.e., 10% of the donation, which provides a better indication of 85% who donated the most) contributed 62% of the size of the typical donation, was $120 which total donations and 21% of Canadians (i.e., the means that half of donors contributed less than 25% of donors who donated the most) $120 and half contributed more. [...] Religious Percentage of total donation value organizations1 were the largest beneficiaries of Donor rate charitable giving, receiving almost $4.0 billion, or 45% of the total value of donations received by Notes: Some types of organizations are excluded due to the reliability of the estimates.
health education school surveys canada oeuvres de bienfaisance culture ethics labour force mathematics participation sociale social participation sampling unemployment workforce human activities further education society voluntarism errors survey methodology provinces and territories of canada response rate questionnaire volunteering sampling (statistics) coefficient of variation bénévolat olunteering charitable contributions standard error c.v
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