cover image: The food we eat : Aliments que nous mangeons : la réglementation en matière de pesticides : une comparaison internationale : une rapport



The food we eat : Aliments que nous mangeons : la réglementation en matière de pesticides : une comparaison internationale : une rapport

12 Oct 2006

H E A L T H Y. E N V I R O N M E N T H E A L T H Y. C A N A D I A N S thwe efo eoadt A N. I N T E R N A T I O N A L. C O M P A R I S O N O F. P E S T I C I D E. R E G U L A T I O N S o C t o b e r. 2 0 0 6 the food we eat A n. I n t e r n At I o n A l. C o m pA r I s o n o f. p e s t I C I d e. r e g u l At I o n s A. R e p o R t. p R e p A R e d. f o R. t h e. d A v i d. S u z u k i. f o u n d A [...] In the second of a series of reports on environmental health in Canada, the David Suzuki Foundation looks at Canada’s pesticide regulations and compares them to those of the United States, Australia, the European Union and the Codex Alimentarius Commission – the single most important international reference point for developments associated with food standards. [...] Pesticide residues were detected on 10 per cent of the samples, and 0.48 per cent of samples had pesticide concentrations in excess of the relevant MRL.63 The CFIA reports that there is a trend of declining pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, with a decrease in detectable residues of organophosphate pesticides on produce from 12 per cent to 3 per cent between 1995 and 2002.64 The Canadian [...] H E A lT H y. c A n A D i A n s In the U. K., a study published in 2006 by the Government Pesticide Residues Com- mittee found 37 per cent of food products sampled were contaminated by pesticides (40 per cent of fresh fruit and vegetables), and two per cent of the food products sampled had pesticide residues exceeding the legal limit.66 Again, these British figures are far higher than the comparab [...] The primary purpose of the new Act is clear – to provide a stronger level of protection for the health of Canadians and the environment from the harmful effects of pesticides.
health agriculture environment food environmental health pesticides pesticide biology cancer chemicals medicine environmental pollution fertiliser endocrine disruptor carbofuran 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid dicofol medical specialties atrazine diazinon chlorpyrifos endosulfan


Boyd, David R

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