cover image: The Health Cost of Coal in Indonesia



The Health Cost of Coal in Indonesia

29 May 2018

In green, the number of measures below WHO’s guideline of 10 μg/m3 (13% of the measurements); in red (87% of the measurements) those above the WHO guideline. [...] The Health Burden of Coal-Driven Air Pollution in Indonesia The health burden of coal-driven air pollution in Indonesia is higher than in other countries in the region, and it is expected to increase significantly as new coal power plants are built in the country. [...] The Health Cost of Air and Coal Pollution NCDs related to air pollution from coal impose a significant burden in the budget of Indonesians, both at the family and national levels. [...] The Pembina Foundation, The Asthma Society of Canada, The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, The Lung Association, Alberta & Northwest Territories and The Physicians for the Environment, The Lung Association, Alberta & Northwest Territories.
sustainable development health environment air pollution renewable energy subsidies coal pollution electricity generation cancer combustion particulates pollutants environmental pollution illness sustainable asthma chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd pm 2.5 international institute for sustainable development air quality index
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Winnipeg, MN, CA

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