cover image: Making Our Coasts Work



Making Our Coasts Work

12 Mar 2015

The best way to protect our economy and communities is to invest in marine planning and a variety of protection measures. [...] With increased pressures from devel- Ocean recreation is predicted to be among The potential economic ben- opments in other ocean-based activities, the fastest-growing sectors in the B. C. it’s more important than ever to ensure we economy for the next 20 years.3 In 2013, efits of industrial projects are maintain the habitats needed to produce the northern Vancouver Island region alone the primary [...] The Governments, industries and communities spill on the North Coast, includ- socio-economic impacts were immediate must work together to ensure we don’t ing spill response, cleanup and and severe to both the company and the harm the fish, wildlife and ecosystems staff, with one-third of the workers being whose health and abundance underpin the litigation (estimated at up to laid off as a result.2 [...] Uncertainty and sustainability in fisheries and the benefit of marine 3. Chopik, K. 2013.
oceans environment economics food marine protected areas marine spatial planning mpas habitat conservation water natural resources biology earth sciences ecology fishing ecosystem ecosystem services human activities british columbia environmental science natural environment ecological services marine protected area environmental social science mpa eco-
Published in
Vancouver, BC, CA

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