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Income Security to End Poverty in Manitoba /

8 Nov 2017

In October Canada’s social safety net since the 1960s, but 2016, the Federal Government released a discus- their meagre benefit levels are well below the sion paper to solicit views from other levels of poverty line leaving people in deep poverty, un- government, and the public to develop a poverty able to gain the stability necessary to make the reduction strategy. [...] In the fourth part of the pa- with First Nations and the provinces to per, I look at the federal Income Assistance (IA) close the gap between income support program that operates on reserves in Manitoba. [...] Recent immi- the longer one is in poverty, the harder it becomes grants experience poorer labour market outcomes to break out of the cycle and the more likely that and can faces challenges to finding employment the cycle will be repeated with the next genera- due to lack of English or French and the transfer- tion (Bernas and Mackinnon 2015: 86). [...] The amount that single in- to abandon the Canada Assistance Plan (CAP), a dividuals receive is 47% below the poverty line; funding arrangement between the Federal Gov- for people with disabilities it is 33% below the ernment and the provinces that provided 50% of poverty line. [...] Income SecurIt y to end Povert y In m anItoba 9 Inadequacy of the Basic Needs Component of the EIA Budget After the punitive reforms of the 1990s and years ter the actual cost of food is subtracted.
health education economics child care economy poverty canada basic needs culture disability employment ethics guaranteed annual income welfare mortgage basic income further education living wage canada mortgage and housing corporation child benefit child benefits
Published in
Ottawa, ON, CA

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