cover image: 2015 evaluation of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) divisions 4VWX herring



2015 evaluation of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) divisions 4VWX herring

21 Sep 2016

The recorded landings in the gillnet and trap net fisheries along the coast of Nova Scotia increased from 3,007t in 2012 to 3,937t in 2013 and to 4,760t in 2014. [...] The main principle stated in the plan is “the conservation of the herring resource and the preservation of all of its spawning components”. [...] Landings by the purse seine sector accounted for 97% and 95% of the component landings in 2013 and 2014, respectively, with minimal landings by the gillnet sector (higher than in recent years; 1,270t in 2013 and 2,102t in 2014) and continuing a below average trend in landings from the Nova Scotia weirs (43t in 2013 and 166t in 2014; Tables 1A and 1B, respectively). [...] According to the IFMP, 80% of the TAC is initially allocated to the mobile gear sector and 20% to the fixed gear sector and, as in past years, a transfer of unused quota to the mobile fleet occurred near the end of the fishing season. [...] In 2011-2012, the seasonal timing of the Nova Scotia weir landings was noted to have shifted to the later months of the season, with most of the catch in July, August, and September (Table 10).
oceans environment fisheries conservation water stock assessment atlantic ocean fish fishing industry bycatch fishing ecosystem by-catch nature fisheries management fish and humans conservation biology ecological atlantic cod trawls eastern shore (nova scotia) atlantic herring porbeagle shark growth overfishing
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