cover image: The Fluctuating Canadian Dollar : Fluctuations du dollar canadien : les conséquences pour les Canadiens



The Fluctuating Canadian Dollar : Fluctuations du dollar canadien : les conséquences pour les Canadiens

24 Mar 2016

Between 3 and 19 February 2016, the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce held four hearings on the topic of the recent decline in the Canadian dollar’s exchange rate. Witnesses from federal departments and entities, financial institutions, think tanks and business organizations, as well as an individual, provided testimony that addressed the following questions: What is Canada’s exchange rate system and should the Bank of Canada limit changes in the exchange rate? What are some causes of the recent decline in the Canadian dollar’s exchange rate? What are some effects of the recent decline in the Canadian dollar’s exchange rate? What other policy issues are relevant to this topic? This report summarizes the witnesses’ testimony in relation to these questions.
politics economic impact economy inflation monetary policy exchange rate international trade canada business consumer goods economic growth economic policy exports foreign exchange rates exchange rates investments money prices testimony central bank bank bank of canada canadian dollar commodity financial competition (companies) deficit spending market and exchange price of oil economist dollar, canadian
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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