cover image: The Fraser River Action Plan



The Fraser River Action Plan

19 Oct 1998

In the from the forest industry mills remains a 1980s, scientists found an association between source of a variety of contaminants: metals dioxins and furans in the tissues of Great (zinc, chromium, copper), polycyclic aro- Blue Herons and a decline in the birds’ matic hydrocarbons (PAHs), resin acids, breeding success. [...] In 1987, the annual probably reflecting the effluent clean-up consumption of the chemicals used in anti- occurring at the time. [...] Because of these concerns, a DDAC water RALF BÜRGLIN quality guideline for the protection of fish and invertebrates is being reviewed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. [...] But most conifer seedlings benefit from the presence studies have taken place in southern areas of of deciduous trees by the intake of nutrients the province, and the value of riparian habitat through interconnected root systems. [...] The 32 cavity-nesting species of birds sub- FRAP supported the design and production divided into 8 species of primary excavating of four pamphlets on forest biodiversity issues woodpeckers, 4 species of weak excavators developed by the UBC Centre for Applied such as nuthatches and chickadees, and Conservation Biology and the provincial 20 species of dependent non-excavators Ministry of Forests: B
environment wetlands habitat biodiversity water ecology flocculation wood preservation bird herbicide dioxins disposal conservation biology economy, business and finance bird migration clearcutting benthic zone biochemical oxygen demand ministry of environment dioxins and dioxin-like compounds pentachlorophenol bod preservatives
Published in
Vancouver, B.C

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