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Privatizing peace?

14 Mar 2008

Rather, I use this overview as the basis for my contention that the privatizing peace literatures, while raising a series of pertinent concerns regarding the em/deployment of PMFs, miss a significant opportunity to begin to question and contest the legitimacy of UN peacekeeping as an international practice.2. [...] By this I mean to say, that the proposal to em/deploy PMFs on and for UN peace operations represents a significant challenge to notions of state or public-sector delivered and guaranteed security and thus the emergence of this proposal can be seen as a pertinent opportunity to pursue an interrogation of UN peace operations more generally. [...] Moreover, as the proposal to contract PMFs to conduct UN peace operations signals the increasing, though not unexpected, incursion of the private (for profit) sector into the deliverance of ‘public security’, it is imperative that the privatizing peace literatures better understand and address the problematic intersections of problem-solving methodologies, (neo)colonialism, militarization, and neo [...] Similarly, “Arms procurement and brokering of small arms and light weapons (SALW) are integral aspects of the activities of mercenaries, private military companies and private security companies” and thus the intervention of PMFs can result in the further channeling or trafficking of arms into conflict zones (Makki et al. [...] Likewise, exclusive focus on the pros and cons raised by and in the privatizing peace literatures comes at the expense of an analysis of the problematic elisions and obfuscations that the privatizing peace literatures can be seen to make.
human rights gender government politics armed conflict ethics international relations neoliberalism peace philosophy peacekeeping military equipment mercenary defence conflicts, war and peace military weaponry security, international peacekeeper revolutionary united front military professional resources inc academi private military company private military companies executive outcomes


Hendershoot, Chris

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