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The class of 2003 : Promotion 2003 : enquête de suivi auprès des élèves du secondaire

22 Apr 2008

Motivational or on the barriers identified in the Canada Millennium informational barriers are characterized either Scholarship Foundation’s 2002 and 2004 editions as a lack of motivation to pursue PSE or a lack of of The Price of Knowledge, this survey presents information about the importance, advantages new data on barriers relating to interest and moti- and cost of PSE. [...] Specifically, institution at the time of the survey but hoped to 45 per cent of respondents reporting a lack of interest do so in future faced more responsibility for finan- or motivation in attending a post-secondary program cing their own education than did youth proceed- decided on a post-secondary path after Grade 12, ing directly from high school to a post-secondary compared to 30 per cent of [...] The Class of 2003 are not directly comparable to Barriers to Post-Secondary education and Training One of the objectives of this research was to explore the reasons for non-participation in PSE among Informat onal/Mot vat onal. [...] Barriers to Persistence One of the benefits of The Class of 2003 research is The Class of 2003 research indicates some key that it allows a comparison of access barriers and differences between access barriers and persistence persistence barriers. [...] Thus, while the described as a key reason for youth not going on Youth in Transition Survey Cycle 3 indicated that only to PSE, most of the former high school students in approximately a quarter of students not originally The Class of 2003 had aspirations to enter a post- attending PSE in 1999 were in a PSE program by secondary program.
higher education education school finance curriculum surveys debt educational surveys labour students university apprenticeship diploma motivation college further education logistic regression community college postsecondary education high schools first nations apprentices education, higher academic degree aboriginal australians north american indian dependent and independent variables aboriginal persons logstc regresson ost-secondary educaton
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