cover image: The currency transaction tax



The currency transaction tax

2 Oct 2007

The CTT would affect the foreign exchange market by increas- ing the width of the spread. [...] The former figure is the average of the increases in trading volumes of the $/U and the e/U from 2004 to 2007. [...] In the DM e/$ market in January 1999 the spread rose by a full basis point with the introduction of the euro. [...] The usual measure of the variability of the spread is the “standard error”, the average deviation of the spread from its own average value, in basis points. [...] The post-tax volume depends on the pre-tax volume (v0), the elasticity of volume with respect to the spread (−0.43), and the percentage increase of the spread due to the tax (1.0/s̄, where s̄ is the average spread).
government politics economics economy taxation finance exchange rate international trade business currencies exchange rates globalization investments money earnings international monetary fund foreign exchange market business finance economy, business and finance market and exchange international business market (economics) levies tobin tax foreign exchange futures


Schmidt, Rodney

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