cover image: Boys' academic achievement : Réussite des garçons : des constats à mettre en perspective : rapport synthèse



Boys' academic achievement : Réussite des garçons : des constats à mettre en perspective : rapport synthèse

12 Jul 2004

In the school system as a whole, 3.8% of boys and 2.3% A more in-depth analysis of the data4 shows that in some of girls repeated a grade in elementary school in 2001- school boards,5 the gender gap in terms of academic 2002. [...] The data for the English school for the same five French school boards that reported the boards indicate a similar, though less significant, differ- highest success rates for boys in the French examination ence for the English, language of instruction, examination. [...] The gender differences are not, However, an analysis of the data for the five French12 however, very significant when we look at the highest and school boards that have the lowest success rates for the lowest results obtained by 13- and 16-year-old students boys in the French examination revealed a very wide gap in the reading test.13 in the success rates of boys and girls (i.e. [...] The difference repre- 3 Success rates for the language of instruction sents an average of close to half a competency level on a uniform examination in 2001-2002 scale of five levels.15 Thus, when we compare the average results obtained by Québec girls and boys in the context of this study, boys scored an average of 519 and girls, 100 553, or 6.6% higher than the boys (see Graph 5). [...] Thus, in the In Québec, over the last 25 years, the percentage of girls English sector, 72.5% of boys in Secondary V obtained and boys who obtained a secondary school diploma16 has their diploma compared to 65.5% of boys in the French increased significantly.
higher education education school curriculum academic achievement behavioural sciences boys literacy students teachers teaching learning cognition motivation socioeconomic college further education educators teaching and learning cognitive science gender role elementary schools learning styles pedagogy learning process stereotypes


Pelletier, Michelle

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