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Migration as adaptation?

4 Nov 2015

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Under the Convention, Parties are requested through Climate Change (UNFCCC, hereafter the Convention), National Communications (NC)1 to report and review the Parties to the Convention submit national reports on progress they are making to implement the Convention. [...] Following identified internal migration (rural‒urban migration) as the NAPA, the FNC established the link between rural‒ an urgent problem in the context of climate change and urban migration (2001:31) and the SNC highlighted the recognized environmental migration related to drought relationship between environmental changes caused by (Government of Haiti, 2006:16). [...] The Plan indicates the Kenya, in its FNC, states that population displacement due necessity of capacity-building to manage climate risks in to flooding and drought, as well as rural‒urban migration, urban centres and at the places of origin and calls for are significant problems that the country faces (FNC, 2002). [...] The above discussion portrays that Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam have high-risk sea-level climate change adaptation policies, in addition to its rise and flooding, and cite relocation and resettlement focus on supporting the livelihoods of the displaced, as potential strategies for facilitating migration in their consider the impacts of migration on the environment NCs. [...] On the one hand, the INDCs Dominican Republic’s Strategic Plan for Climate Change of Haiti and Viet Nam view migration as a probable (PECC) 2011‒2030 has a reference to migration in the adaptation strategy, which can be managed through section on Infrastructure and Population Dynamics that planned relocation and resettlement (Government of Viet urges to “encourage the development of programmes Nam
environment climate change disaster risk reduction adaptation politics climate resilience natural hazards global warming emergency management climate change adaptation risk management forced migration weather intergovernmental panel on climate change united nations framework convention on climate change climatic changes emigration and immigration resilience environmental politics natural environment hazard environmental social science migration, internal environmental refugees national adaptation programmes of action environmental change environmental changes


Kelpsaite, Lina, Mach, Eva

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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