cover image: Access and fairness for all Nova Scotians : Accessibilité et équité pour l'ensemble de la population néo-écossaise: Comité consultatif de la ministre sur les mesures législatives visant l'accessibilité: rapport et recommandations



Access and fairness for all Nova Scotians : Accessibilité et équité pour l'ensemble de la population néo-écossaise: Comité consultatif de la ministre sur les mesures législatives visant l'accessibilité: rapport et recommandations

2 Jun 2015

A very special thank you to the members members of the panel’s five thematic committees, of the panel, the committees, and the talented and the Nova Scotians who participated and support staff who were assigned to assist. [...] All of this Scotians with disabilities want to participate in work feedback will assist the government in drafting the and education, family and community life, and to be a new law and will assist a proposed accessibility vibrant part of the great Province we call home.” board in identifying, developing, and implementing the accessibility standards. [...] The panel committed to presenting findings and The public was offered the opportunity to high-level detail on the legislative content to the participate in 11 consultation sessions held across Honourable Joanne Bernard, minister of community the province and to submit their written feedback services/minister responsible for the Disabled through letter, e-mail, or web-based options. [...] For more detailed information about the The result, An Invitation for Input on Accessibility consultation process and a flow chart summarizing Legislation, was created over the months of the development of the recommendations for the September and October 2014. [...] The panel proposed to the public that the legislation 2.2 The focus of the legislation should be on should be intended to set the authority and achieving accessibility for all by developing framework through which regulations, standards, standards under the following areas: and policies are developed, with the goal of a. Accessible information and communication identifying, preventing, and elimina
health human rights government education politics school science and technology communication accessibility disability employment law transport inclusion further education society accessible adherence (medicine) crpd convention on the rights of persons with disabilities inclusion (education) attitude (psychology) nova scotians universal design barrier-free barrier-free design easy access self-help devices for people with disabilities sensory impairments
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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