cover image: School mobility and educational outcomes of off-reserve First Nations students / : Mobilité scolaire et résultats scolaires des élèves des Premières Nations vivant hors réserve



School mobility and educational outcomes of off-reserve First Nations students / : Mobilité scolaire et résultats scolaires des élèves des Premières Nations vivant hors réserve

26 Mar 2015

Analysis The first part of this analysis presents descriptive statistics to compare the reasons for the last school move for students in Grades 1 to 6 with those for students in Grades 7 to 12. [...] Although the number of times a student changed schools is important to understanding the effect of school mobility (Aman, 2008), the APS asked the reason for only the last school move. [...] The exclusion of multiples facilitates interpretation of the results, but it is a limitation of the study in that the cumulative effect of school moves could not be examined.5 Some differences in characteristics between movers and non-movers Among students in Grades 1 to 6, movers were more likely than non‑movers to be Status Indians (68% versus 58%); to need or receive help because of a behaviour [...] Discussion In 2012, 20% of off‑reserve First Nations students in Grades 1 to 6 had experienced a non‑regular progression change of schools since starting preschool; among students in Grades 7 to 12, 13% had had a non‑regular progression change of schools since Grade 7. Studies of the general population have consistently shown that school movers are more likely than non‑movers to live in lower‑inco [...] Proxy reports of student and familial characteristics and of school success indicators may be influenced by social desirability considerations (respondents answer questions in a way they expect to be more favourable) and the extent to which the proxy reporter is aware of the child’s school experience.
higher education education school curriculum academic achievement indians of north america students teachers student mobility mobility confounding further education logistic regression teaching and learning preschool native peoples bootstrapping (statistics) first nations aboriginal province indigenous peoples in canada census geographic units of canada north american indian statistical elementary schools dropping out learning disability off-reservation boarding schools


Turner, Annie, Thompson, Amanda

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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