cover image: Energy innovation roundtables report, August 2014 : Rapport des tables rondes sur l'innovation énergétique, Août 2014



Energy innovation roundtables report, August 2014 : Rapport des tables rondes sur l'innovation énergétique, Août 2014

22 Aug 2014

You are asked to: - exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced; - indicate the complete title of the materials reproduced, and the name of the author organization; and - indicate that the reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and that the reproduction has not been produced in affiliation with, or with the e [...] The roundtables were intended to identify opportunities to strengthen collaboration and better align efforts among key players to maximize the impacts of existing investments, and support Canada’s energy innovation and competitiveness domestically and globally. [...] The following section highlights some of the key messages expressed by participants of the Energy Innovation Roundtables and does not necessarily reflect the positions of the Government of Canada. [...] Management Corporation More recently, in response to the issues raised by The Climate Change and Emissions Management senior industry executives at the Energy Innovation Corporation (CCEMC), a not-for-profit organization, Roundtable held in Calgary in 2014, NRCan and provides funding to support the discovery, Alberta Energy have taken on a convenor role to development and deployment of transformat [...] Led by the Forest Products Association of Canada in cooperation with FPInnovations and NRCan, the project involved a comprehensive investigation of opportunities to produce a wide range of bio-products from wood fibre, which will enhance the competitiveness of both the forestry and energy sectors.
environment energy politics economics financing renewable energy economy wind electricity generation energy storage clean energy science and technology research natural resources canada business renewable energy sources venture capital energy production economic sector iea energy and resource athabasca oil sands artificial objects competition (companies) efficient energy use energy development innovative energy sources
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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