cover image: Marine spatial planning in the context of the convention on biological diversity



Marine spatial planning in the context of the convention on biological diversity

28 Sep 2012

As such, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, in its tenth meeting, requested the Executive Secretary to compile and synthesize available information in collaboration with Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations on their experiences and use of marine spatial planning, in particular on ecological, economic, social, cultural and other principles used [...] Even though the history of comprehensive and formalised marine spatial planning is relatively short, it appears to have the potential to greatly improve management, reduce the loss of ecosystem services, help address or avoid conflict, and create economies of scale and efficiencies for enforcement and management. [...] At its most effective, MSP considers this in terms of both natural and political boundaries, reconciling conflicting uses of space in a fair and equitable manner, identifying and promoting synergistic uses, recognising the intrinsic value of biodiversity and the value of collective ecosystem services that oceans and coasts provide, and working within the prevailing political, legal, administrative [...] Market and non-market uses are contained in seven of the plans, involving the maintenance of culturally important marine areas, sustaining culture and livelihoods in coastal and indigenous communities dependent on marine resources, 13 Marine Spatial Planning in the Context of the Convention on Biological Diversity and enhancing public participation and support for decision-making (NOAA SAB, 2011). [...] BOX A: VENEZUELA—BALANCING ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AND MARINE CONSERVATION OBJECTIVES (Provided by I. Meliane, TNC) The goal of the MSP planning process in Venezuela In anticipation of the planned oil and gas block is to design and implement a comprehensive, ecore- development, and in recognition of the potenti- gional assessment that considers the needs for al risks to the marine biodiversity, PDVSA e
environment marine protected areas marine spatial planning governance conservation biodiversity ecosystem-based management water capacity building natural resources evaluation ecology social sciences ecosystem software ecosystem services sustainable geographic information system nature goals goal adaptive management society convention on biological diversity conservation biology computing and information technology marine ecosystem management ices
Published in
Montréal, Québec

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