cover image: Recommendations for zoster immunization programs / : Recommandations pour les programmes de d'immunization contre le zona



Recommendations for zoster immunization programs / : Recommandations pour les programmes de d'immunization contre le zona

22 Apr 2014

Although it has been licensed and used in the US since 2006, its use still remains marginal in Canada, mainly because of the cost of the vaccine and the need for transport and storage in the frozen state. [...] Also, the strategies to consider are closely linked to acceptability and availability of the vaccine, and to the availability of adequate storage units to maintain potency of the vaccine until administration. [...] These include the important role of recommendations from health care providers in the uptake of the vaccine in older adults (66-68); the perceived barriers to physicians of zoster immunization, such as financial; the perceived need for the vaccine; and the unknown duration of protection (67, 69). [...] SPECIFIC PROGRAM OBJECTIVES IN TERMS OF REDUCTION OF INCIDENCE, COMPLICATIONS, SEQUELAE AND MORTALITY The objective chosen for a zoster immunization program, whether prevention of zoster or prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia through immunization in a limited age span or a broader age group will be a factor in the cost-effectiveness of the program. [...] This is because most of the benefits of the vaccine are seen in a reduction in the length and severity of pain associated with PHN.
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Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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