cover image: Aboriginal men : Sondage national de 2007 auprès des détenu(e)s sur les maladies infectieuses et les comportements à risque : sommaire des conclusions concernant les détenus autochtones



Aboriginal men : Sondage national de 2007 auprès des détenu(e)s sur les maladies infectieuses et les comportements à risque : sommaire des conclusions concernant les détenus autochtones

12 Jul 2012

Overall, the risk-behaviours associated with the transmission of BBSTIs, knowledge of HIV and HCV, patterns of testing and treatment for these infections, and the self-reported rates of infections since admission were similar for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal men. [...] Men entering federal penitentiaries report a high rate of drug- and sex-related risk-behaviours during their last six months in the community: 60% of Aboriginal men and 56% of non- Aboriginal men used non-injection drugs, 24% of Aboriginal men and 22% of non-Aboriginal men injected drugs, and 84% of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal men had oral, vaginal, or anal sex. [...] Despite the high-risk characteristics of the population entering federal penitentiaries, a minority of men report engaging in risk-behaviours recently in a penitentiary: 37% of Aboriginal men and 33% of non-Aboriginal men used non-injection drugs, 19% of Aboriginal men and 16% of non-Aboriginal men injected drugs, and 18% of Aboriginal men and 16% of non-Aboriginal men had oral, vaginal, or anal s [...] In regards to recent demand for harm-reduction items in a penitentiary, 47% of Aboriginal men and 56% of non-Aboriginal men who were sexually active recently in a penitentiary reported an attempt (successful or unsuccessful) to get condoms, lubricant and/or dental dams, and 58% of Aboriginal men and 56% of non-Aboriginal men reported an attempt (successful or unsuccessful) to get bleach. [...] Among men ever tested for HIV and/or HCV infections, 2.5% of Aboriginal men and 4.8% of non-Aboriginal men reported being HIV-positive and 34.3% of Aboriginal men and 29.4% of non-Aboriginal men reported being HCV-positive.
health education prison surveys hiv/aids indians of north america communicable diseases hepatitis sti medicine prisoners sex hiv substance-related disorders hepatitis c sexual behavior communicable disease sexually transmitted infections harm reduction infection indians, north american health treatment health sciences aboriginal australians hcv human sexual activity had sex native prisoners unprotected sex vaginal sexually transmitted infection injection drug use having sex aboriginal self-identification blood-borne infection (bbi) sexually transmitted infection (sti)


Thompson, Jennie Mae, Zakaria, Dianne, Grant, Brian A

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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