cover image: Aboriginal food security in Northern Canada : Sécurité alimentaire des populations autochtones dans le Nord du Canada : sommaire



Aboriginal food security in Northern Canada : Sécurité alimentaire des populations autochtones dans le Nord du Canada : sommaire

18 Mar 2014

AboriginAl Food Security in northern cAnAdA: An ASSeSSment oF the StAte oF Knowledge Expert Panel on the State of Knowledge of Food Security in Northern Canada Science Advice in the Public Interest ABORIGINAL FOOD SECURITY IN NORTHERN CANADA: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF KNOWLEDGE Expert Panel on the State of Knowledge of Food Security in Northern Canada ii Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Ca [...] The scope and emphasis of the report necessarily reflect the Sponsor’s charge to the Panel, and the tone reflects the Council’s policy of insistence on presenting and summarizing evidence while avoiding advocacy. [...] To better understand these issues, in October 2011 the Minister of Health, on behalf of Health Canada (the Sponsor), asked the Council of Canadian Academies (the Council) to appoint an expert panel (the Panel) to respond to the following question: Per Cent Food (In)secure (%) xvi Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge What is the state of knowledge of [...] The framework conveys the breadth and complexity of the factors that the Panel deemed necessary to respond to the charge, while also providing insight into (a) the relationships that emerge at the intersections of the factors, and (b) the various factors that are important considerations in strategies to mitigate food insecurity. [...] Some of the major contributions of this report include the synthesis of these findings, consideration of interventions to improve food security in northern Canada, and development of a tool for community members and policy-makers in the form of a conceptual framework.
food security food supply indians of north america inuit nutrition policy indians, north american native peoples inuits
9781926558745 9781926558738
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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